Barney Kroger Wept and Tony the Tiger is still a (corn)flake

I went to the local Kroger's to get my fair share of Super Bowl Snacks. I was a loyal Kroger shopper for years. It was my first job. I knew where everything was..etc.  In the past few years, I took on the shop for what you need that week and shop fresh if you can.  Kind of the antithesis of the Kroger experience in my opinion.

Since my Browns aren't in the big game, I'm sticking to the frozen comfort foods. If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen the creative dishes I've concocted to keep myself amused while I go about my Sabbath day rituals during the football season. The only fresh for this deal will be the Guac. I took the analytics approach and went for the 4 for 11 Coke or Pepsi!!

Kroger's check-out situation in 2020 disgusts me. Only two live lanes open on a Saturday morning. It's pretty much the same everywhere. This is why I go to Pic Pac or Save a Lot now. My cashier snuck in a text while I was entering my PIN. My manager in High School, Jim McGurk, would have stroked out and been charged with assault simultaneously. He once threatened to fire us on the spot if we didn't take every customers groceries to their cars.

Her texting didn't bother me. it just made me sad. Krogers will have replaced her with a phone in another few years. I'll miss that human interaction with a friendly human.

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