F#k Norman Rockwell and Norman Mailer for that matter

I think Norman Rockwell f#4ked up a whole bunch of babyboomers with his image of the "ideal" holiday and we X'ers have suffered by osmosis (The millenials just drink craft beer and laugh at memes or cat video's in there lonely apartments). I had dreams of flannel shirts, woodpiles, and strong coffee over the stove with a choir of carolers at my door.  The reality was the comical annual feuds and eccentricities with a dog show or cooking show in the background. I snuck in a few bond movies and charcutrie in my downtime.

In my day job, everyone wanted to get out of jail for thanksgiving and my snarky comment was it's not like there going home to a "Norman Rockwell" scene. Obviously, they just want to feel sorry for themselves, have sex with the sex of their preference, and get as F#4ked up as possible. Hang on....that sounds pretty good!!  I want out of jail too.

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