Here comes the Fly

Marvel comic fans will understand the dilemma our country now faces with the (un)reality TV eye president. That is, if they aren't detaching into a fantasy world to disassociate from the mess programmed apathy has created!! 

The Hulk is a great analogy for what's happened to the Republican Party and its inability to respect checks and balances and the chaos its created.  Bruce Banner always fought for control with the beast. His presence kept the world safe from the total rampage of the monster.  The classic Republican dynamic was the Puritan religious lineage and the rampant capitalist. All about the money but because of the church stuff, making lip service to caring about the well being of those who don't have.

Also, sell the sucker on the notion that if they put their bootstraps on that you too can look down from the mount (with God on your side). Think of the Puritan side as a flawed Banner, holding back the stomping capitalist beast.

In one of the story arc's, They did separate the two. The results were disastrous. The world as we knew was in grave danger. It took a coalition of heroes to reverse the madness.  The beast unchecked is debt, poisoned air, vanity, madness.  We have to corral that sucker and stick em back together. I pray it's not too late. 


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