To Be or Not to Be

As i prep for another round of Jimmyhoneyman public appearances, i have to start psyching myself up. So much to share but does anyone want to listen? What do i really want to tell you in person?  The trials and tribulations of the past 4 years or so are probably a drag.  Perhaps i should get all John Fogerty and write about a life i never lived on the banks of Nile.  It certainly beats getting a broken heart for source material or watching the news for gods sake!  Better lose some weight. Can't jog like Jagger preparing for a big summer show. I like how on Dick Cavett, in 72  he claimed they had piles of "salt" to prevent dehydration.  I'll make a similar excuse about eating veggie burgers for "research purposes". Anyway, if you're  inclined to check it out, make sure you say hi.

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